
CYCLE —IT CONTINUES— (The Cycle of Abuse)

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A cycle that never ends, repeating itself over and over again. Specifically, the cycle of abuse that repeats itself. It continues to manifest long after the event occurred. One may surrender to it, unable to move on as it continues to play out. Or perhaps fight it off by becoming the very thing they were afraid of, the abuser themselves. It's a never ending cycle that continues.

Dealing with trauma and abuse can be challenging, and these are the two most common ways one copes with it. They let it control them and are afraid of it and develop other negative coping mechanisms to deal with the abuse done to them long ago. Depression, anxiety, addictions, and even becoming the bully and abuser are just some of the challenges one faces that have been unable to move on from past events. But, it's possible to move on and the first step is to recognize how you are coping and began to do that inner work and actually face these struggles you are having. It is possible given enough time and with dedication and persistence on your part. I know it's hard, and I've been there, and I've moved on from it. And you can as well. I know you can make it through. I believe in you. And, you just need to realize that you know you can as well.

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Autumn Asphodel
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