
Tiffany's Vlog #39 Support Chelsea Manning!

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Chelsea Manning was just sentenced to 35 years in jail for exposing war crimes committed by the United States. She has already spent 3 years in jail in which she has been kept mostly in solitary confinement and without clothes. She came out as transgender on the day she was sentenced and has said that she wishes to transition while in jail. Chelsea has a hard road ahead of her, we need to show her our support, I'm asking all of you to please write a letter to Chelsea to support her transition and let her know she's not alone.

Chelsea's Address:

PVT Bradley E Manning
1300 N Warehouse Rd
Ft Leavenworth KS 66027-2304

Private Manning Support Network: http://www.bradleymanning.org/

There are restrictions on what you can send. The military will reject any mail that violates postal regulations or contains obscenity, blackmail, contraband or threats. Additionally:

PVT Manning cannot receive any cash, checks, or money orders. Her legal team is currently responsible for ensuring that she has sufficient funds in her detainee account to purchase items such as stamps, envelopes, toothpaste, etc.

Photographs are only accepted if printed on copy paper. A maximum of six (6) pages are allowed. Pictures on photograph weight paper are not allowed.

Incoming mail will be returned to the sender if, in the opinion of the confinement facility, falls into any of the following categories: 1) Contains inflammatory material or advocates escape, violence, disorder or assault; 2) Directly or indirectly threatens the security, safety or order of the facility; 3) Contains coded or otherwise undecipherable language that prevents adequate review of the material; 4) Is received with "Postage Due"; or 5) Contains items of contraband (including anything of any material value, including postage stamps or cigarettes).

The above was taken from the Private Manning Support Network.
Transgender Vlogs
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