
Q&A 8 + Weird Messages (September, 2014 - October, 2014)

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Questions and answers (September, 2014 - October, 2014).

0:10 - Q&A
15:37 - Weird Messages

Related videos:
False Memories - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKVirKqGjNo
Subpersonalities - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxCyf20ltUc

0:13 - Do you like graphic design?
0:23 - Why do you feel comfortable sharing this information in such a public place?
1:14 - How would one go about making sure they are properly diagnosed?
1:54 - Do you think psychiatrists lie to patients, and then sell them pills.
3:10 - DID is a mental disorder created by the therapist and patient during therapy.
3:52 - Was there a defining moment in your life that you think may have caused these personalities to emerge?
4:40 - Why do you feel like your alters needed to have such drastic wardrobe and makeup change?
5:30 - Is it possible for an alter to have an alter?
6:21 - is it normal to hear the alters talking/arguing to one another?
7:02 - because I'm hearing them argue, is there anyway to block them out.
7:53 - does unification exist properly?
8:51 - Did you ever worry that your disorders may have been confusing you about your gender identification?
10:27 - Do still need to take estrogen and or other types of hormones?
10:43 - After SRS wouldn't you have to take some sort of testosterone to balance out your hormones?
11:07 - Will you need to dilate for ever?
11:45 - Do you know how not going through srs would affect sexual function?
12:44 - Having had both male and female reproductive organs, what do they feel like in comparison?
Autumn Asphodel
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